About Us

Baan Dem Rak (BDR) Community Centre serves at-risk communities in Thailand, knowing God and making God known through evangelism and discipleship. We empower communities by creating education and employment opportunities, helping people discover and fulfil God’s purpose for their lives. We are a safe place to experience Jesus’ love - everyone is welcome, regardless of ethnicity or religion.

A Safe Place for Everyone

As a Youth With A Mission ministry, we are fully committed to the YWAM values in our service to God and people. BDR holds child protection and safety in high regard as we believe every child is made in the image of God. All children have value, worth, and dignity. Every child should be treated with respect and cared for in ways that honour God. We also believe all children have a right to protection from abuse irrespective of race, social background, age, gender, skin colour, disability, religion, nationality or beliefs.

Our Story

1. The Beginning

1. The Beginning

In 2013, God spoke to a group of YWAMers to reach one of the most difficult inner-city areas of Chiang Mai. They prayed together regularly and researched thoroughly about the needs on the ground. Finally, in 2014, the group ran the first-ever English camp for kids in the community. Baan Dem Rak was then birthed as a community centre to offer various programmes for children in the migrant community, including homework help, music, art, and sports.

2. COVID-19 pandemic ​

2. COVID-19 pandemic ​

During the pandemic in 2020-2022, many people became unemployed, school children lagged in their studies as remote learning was impossible without the internet at home, and some were even on the brink of losing their homes as they could not pay rent. BDR had to suspend its programmes as large-scale gatherings were prohibited during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the staff team resolved not to leave the people in the crisis. The staff team called the families regularly to check in on them and pray for them. We offered one-on-one tutoring for the children and distributed relief packs regularly.

3. Post-pandemic

3. Post-pandemic

As the pandemic winded down, BDR got ready to restart our programmes with the children. Despite being closed for almost two years, any worries about being forgotten by the community were unfounded. The children returned to our community centre with their neighbours, classmates, and siblings. From 10 regular children, 30 children came to our programmes! BDR also began to send our Thai staff to YWAM’s Discipleship Training School to grow their character and confidence in making God known in our community. In faith, we expanded our vision and pioneered work with refugee communities.

4. Our Tenth Anniversary

4. Our Tenth Anniversary

We turn 10 in 2024! We continue to raise awareness among children about how to keep themselves safe. We continue to strengthen families with family-centric activities. We continue to start good and sustainable businesses to generate healthy employment for people. With the love of Jesus, we are now serving 50 children and their families and sharing the good news with them in our words and deeds.

“… that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.”

Isaiah 61:3

Our Leadership Team

Our Staff Team

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